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Next Generation Apps

Changing life by changing the software

Custom Software Development

Powered by Intellect Driven by Values Making Technology Work for Businesses

Software that is tailored specifically to you

You don’t have time or resources for mistakes or delays – so why not partner with a company who knows how important it is for everything to go smoothly? With our expertise as your guide, we’ll create something truly unique that will revolutionize your workflow while saving you money along the way. The best part about working with us is that we’re always available when you need us – 24/7 support means no matter what happens on our end (or yours), we’ll be there every step of the way until launch day! And if things do go wrong (which they won’t) rest assured knowing our 100% satisfaction guarantee makes sure nothing goes unaddressed until it’s fixed completely. It doesn’t get better than this! Let’s talk today about how Custom Software Development could change your business forever!

Types of Custom Software Development

Custom software development can be classified in a number of different ways. One way to do this is according to the type of software.


Another way is by looking at the technology used. This can be useful because the technologies usually change over time and it might be worth it to examine whether a new technology will provide a better solution for a given problem.

Corporate & Interorganizational Software Systems

We build systems that are used to manage interactions between organizations. They are also known as interorganizational software systems and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as order tracking, resource allocation, and customer management.

Examples: ERP, operations management software, SCM, EAM, MES, POS, claims processing software, HCM/HRM.

Departmental Software

We develop custom software that is used by departments within an organization. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as tracking inventory, managing employee records, or processing orders. It helps improve efficiency and accuracy within departments. It can also help reduce costs by automating tasks that would otherwise have to be done manually.

Examples: CRM, inventory management, financial management software, RIS, PACS.

Software for a Specific Business Function

There are a variety of software that are designed for specific business functions. These software can help to automate certain processes and make them more efficient.

We’re in the business of helping companies streamline their processes. Our software is designed to help your employees work smarter, not harder. With our product, you can automate repetitive tasks so that your team spends less time on busywork and more time on what really matters – growing your business.

Examples: price management software, clinical decision support app, transport management

Customer Self-service Apps

We build applications to help your organization deliver tailored customer experiences that will not only win you the market competition, but also increase sales and profitability.

Examples: mobile banking apps, patient portals, shopping apps.

Custom Software Development services

We’ve developed over 300 apps and websites, so we know what it takes to create an amazing product that will help your business grow. Our team of developers are experts at creating custom solutions that fit your needs perfectly. We work with businesses across all industries including retail, finance, healthcare, real estate and more!


Whether you need us for full-stack web or mobile app development or just want some assistance on one part of your project like design or marketing – we have everything you need under one roof!

Enterprise Applications

Cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that helps companies manage their operations and grow. We’re the only company to offer real-time visibility into your entire business – from sales and inventory to manufacturing and shipping. Our platform also includes tools like CRM, ecommerce, POS integration and more.

SaaS Applications

NGA is the best SaaS company. We have been providing our clients with the best and most reliable products for over 5 years. Our team of experts will help you find the right product for your needs, whether it be hardware, software or both.

HealthCare Applications

A mobile app development company from Canada that specializes in developing apps for the medical field. We have experience with developing apps for doctors, nurses, and even patients! Our team of experts will work with you to create the perfect app for your needs.

Ecommerce Applications

NGA app that allows you to upload your product data directly from the manufacturer, so it's always accurate and up-to-date. You can also sync with Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, WooCommerce and more!
We’re in ecommerce, so we know how hard it can be to run a successful online store. That’s why we love helping people grow their businesses by providing the best tools for managing inventory, fulfilling orders, tracking shipments and more.

Mobile Applications

We help you build apps that are simple, intuitive and beautiful. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire process from start to finish so your users have an amazing experience every time they use your app. And we do it all with our unique approach to design thinking, which means we work closely with you throughout the entire process to make sure your vision becomes a reality.

Product Development

NGA is an award-winning software product development company that has helped over 100 companies build their products. We have worked with some of the world’s most innovative brands, including Walt Disney Pictures, WHO. Our team of experts will help you develop your idea into a successful product from scratch or improve upon an existing one.

Our Engineering Process

NGA is a software development company from Canada that specializes in creating custom applications with clear structure and accountability. Our team builds successful, quality products by using logic to develop logical processes for each stage of our work cycle – all the way from planning out your requirements until delivery!

Customer Success Stories

Covid trial system

We were the FIRST company in the world to develop the COVID trial system for the government health agencies to detect, treat, analyze the patients, and collobaorate the results with Clinical Labs and define the logistics for the same.  Without the need of a human contact.


Based on software the case study was published in American, and European Health journals and suggested how the data helped Clinical agencies to analyze the effectiveness of the dosage of the medicines.  

Technologies: Node.js, MySQL, PHP, Google Maps API services 

Learning and certificate management

Technologies: MySQL, PHP 

On Demand Services Web and App

Technologies: Php, Node.js, MySQL, Swift, Java

Custom CRM Development

Any software development firms always shy away to develop tools similar Hubspot, Salesforce or any other CRM as it involves a rigrous planning, and implementation of technical architecture , subject knowledge. 


NGA developed a custom CRM development SaaS based solution where the account holders can create their own listings, forms, file management, menu, define processes , automation, and templates. 

Technologies: Node.js, Php, MongoDB, Json services

Ecommerce Development

Technologies: Elastic, Debian, Redis, MySQL, PHP 

Listing App/ web development

Technologies: MySQL, PHP, Java, Swift, Webservices 

Transport Management

Technologies: Node.js, Maps API’s, Php, MongoDB, MySQL, Webservices

Logisitcs Management

Technologies: Node.js, Maps API’s, Php, MongoDB, MySQL, Webservices

Social App Development

With the rise of social media, NGA developed a new age social media solution based on the request of a startup ie has unique collaboration system and is mixture of Facebook, Clubhouse, and ticketing system.


A platform unqiuely built for content creators to create and monetize every aspect of content that is lucrative for Brands, advertisers. 


Technologies: Swift, Java, MySQL, PHP 

WorkBot Management

Convert Manual everyday job to automization such that resources can be better utilized and accounted for productivity. 


Few automations that we have developed over the years are Chat, Download, Upload, Update record on responses, extract information, automated call, automated dispatch system, social media posting and commenting, timesheet calculation, salary management, email management.

Restaurant One Suite Services

The one suite services is the complete package for any businesses in the sector of retail or food. 

Everything that you require to starting your business and to grow is all included in this such as

POS, Website, ERP, Mobile Apps, Social Media auto posting, chatbots, delivery tracker, mobile menu / catalog system for instore, omnichannel, customer segmentation, heat map vectors

What our customers say about us


NGA added value to the project far beyond the intended scope of work. Their advice and guidance about running a new business have been invaluable. The team is clearly passionate about the work and shares innovative ideas and solutions to drive the project forward. 



Founder, MOFU

MVP Product

A tech startup hired us to conduct market research and to develop a proof of concept for a key technology component of their proposed product. The goal was to narrow down the features needed for the MVP. 

Technologies Used


What is custom software development?

Custom software development is the process of converting an idea into a working software application. Working with developers who are experienced in this field, you can design the features that will make your idea special and then have it built.

One of the key benefits of custom software development is that you can get a system that meets your specific needs. Perhaps you need to track inventory for a business or manage a complex process. A custom-built application will be able to do just that, and it can be tailored to meet your unique requirements.

How much does custom software development cost?

The cost for custom software development can vary greatly depending on the company you choose to work with, the features you need, and the complexity of the project. Typically, you can expect to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $100,000 for custom software development.

However, it's important to remember that not all custom software is created equal. Some companies may charge more for features that are not essential to your project, while others may offer a lower price but have a longer turnaround time. It's important to carefully compare quotes from different development companies and make sure you are getting the best value for your money.

Why custom software development is important?

There are many reasons why custom software development is important. One reason is that it can help businesses to save money and time. Custom software can also help businesses to be more efficient and productive. Additionally, custom software can help businesses to better serve their customers and clients. Custom software can also help businesses to be up-to-date on new technology trends. By understanding that custom software development is important, it may make more sense why businesses are turning to custom software development.

The reason why businesses are turning to custom software development is because they want their business' operations to run more efficiently and faster. Customers are also expecting better customer service and businesses need to be able to meet these expectations. Additionally, with the ever-changing technology landscape, businesses need to ensure that they are up-to-date on the latest technology trends so that they can keep their competitive edge. Custom software development can help businesses to achieve all of these things.

How to choose a custom software development company?

Choosing a custom software development company can be a daunting task, but it is important to do your research and ask the right questions so that you can find the best company for you and your project.

It is important to find a company that you can trust and has the experience you need for your project. You also want to make sure that the company is able to meet your deadlines and budget. Ask the company questions that will help you determine if they can do what you need them to do.

Have them sign a contract that details the project, deadlines, and any other specifics that are important to me. If at any point, you feel uncomfortable with the company or your project didn't seem like it was going in the right direction, You should terminate the contract.

Need More Information? Contact us today for a free consultation

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