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Next Generation Apps

Changing life by changing the software

Wholesale and Retail

Software that is tailored specifically to you

software used by retail businesses to manage their inventory, sales and customer data. Retail software can be used in standalone computer systems, or it can be integrated into a point-of-sale system.


Our wholesale and retail software solution is perfect for businesses of all sizes. With our easy-to-use interface, you’ll be able to manage your inventory, sales, and finances with ease.


Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that these solutions can help businesses manage their inventory more effectively. By tracking stock levels and sales data, businesses can make better decisions about what items to stock and how much to order. Additionally, retail software can help automate certain tasks, such as customer billing and order processing. This can save businesses time and money. Finally, by integrating with other systems, such as accounting software or ecommerce platforms, retail software can provide a comprehensive view of a business’s operations.


Types of Solution

Point of Sale Solution

Inventory Management

Customer Relationship Management

WorkBot Services

Customer Success Stories

Covid trial system

We were the FIRST company in the world to develop the COVID trial system for the government health agencies to detect, treat, analyze the patients, and collobaorate the results with Clinical Labs and define the logistics for the same.  Without the need of a human contact.


Based on software the case study was published in American, and European Health journals and suggested how the data helped Clinical agencies to analyze the effectiveness of the dosage of the medicines.  

Technologies: Node.js, MySQL, PHP, Google Maps API services 

Learning and certificate management

Technologies: MySQL, PHP 

On Demand Services Web and App

Technologies: Php, Node.js, MySQL, Swift, Java

Custom CRM Development

Any software development firms always shy away to develop tools similar Hubspot, Salesforce or any other CRM as it involves a rigrous planning, and implementation of technical architecture , subject knowledge. 


NGA developed a custom CRM development SaaS based solution where the account holders can create their own listings, forms, file management, menu, define processes , automation, and templates. 

Technologies: Node.js, Php, MongoDB, Json services

Ecommerce Development

Technologies: Elastic, Debian, Redis, MySQL, PHP 

Listing App/ web development

Technologies: MySQL, PHP, Java, Swift, Webservices 

Transport Management

Technologies: Node.js, Maps API’s, Php, MongoDB, MySQL, Webservices

Logisitcs Management

Technologies: Node.js, Maps API’s, Php, MongoDB, MySQL, Webservices

Social App Development

With the rise of social media, NGA developed a new age social media solution based on the request of a startup ie has unique collaboration system and is mixture of Facebook, Clubhouse, and ticketing system.


A platform unqiuely built for content creators to create and monetize every aspect of content that is lucrative for Brands, advertisers. 


Technologies: Swift, Java, MySQL, PHP 

WorkBot Management

Convert Manual everyday job to automization such that resources can be better utilized and accounted for productivity. 


Few automations that we have developed over the years are Chat, Download, Upload, Update record on responses, extract information, automated call, automated dispatch system, social media posting and commenting, timesheet calculation, salary management, email management.

Restaurant One Suite Services

The one suite services is the complete package for any businesses in the sector of retail or food. 

Everything that you require to starting your business and to grow is all included in this such as

POS, Website, ERP, Mobile Apps, Social Media auto posting, chatbots, delivery tracker, mobile menu / catalog system for instore, omnichannel, customer segmentation, heat map vectors

What our customers say about us


NGA added value to the project far beyond the intended scope of work. Their advice and guidance about running a new business have been invaluable. The team is clearly passionate about the work and shares innovative ideas and solutions to drive the project forward. 




How we helped Book a TAXI

A tech startup hired us to conduct market research and to develop a proof of concept for a key technology component of their proposed product. The goal was to narrow down the features needed for the MVP. 

Technologies Used

Still thinking? Contact us today for a free consultation and take the first step towards improving your business!

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